Hi everyone this is a blog about fortune tellers. Are they liars or do they tell the truth? In this blog i will be sharing some history and information about fortune telling and i will be writing about the experiences i had with fortune tellers.
9 Aralık 2011 Cuma
Fortune Telling
Fortune telling is the practice of predicting information about person's life and it is first started with gypsies and became a part of western culture. Through the history people tried to explore and understand the unknowns about their environment, wanted to have information about their future and tried to control their faith.People always wandered about unknowns and mystrys about life, so they were never uninterested in claims and clues about their future. Because of that magic, fortune and divination became popular and important.
Than some people appeared who are claiming to know more than a regular person and that they can predict the future by using some tools and other ways. They became very popular.Some of them are doing this to earn money and some of them are to help people.
Some people think that fortune tellers are frauds and fortune telling is stupid.They think it is money trap and they also think fortune tellers are using weaknesses of people to earn money. It is even claiming to be a sin in some cultures and religions. But the real question is are they right? In some cases maybe. But there is some fortune tellers that actually can tell the truths about your life and can predict your future right.
Dear Bengi, Very interesting topic. Please try to write in your own words, your first and second entries are perfect but, try not to ccopy and paste as in your third entry, if you want to do so please write the source. You can give some background and historical information about Nostradamus. Would be interesting to read ;)
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YanıtlaSilDear Bengi,
YanıtlaSilVery interesting topic.
Please try to write in your own words, your first and second entries are perfect but, try not to ccopy and paste as in your third entry, if you want to do so please write the source.
You can give some background and historical information about Nostradamus. Would be interesting to read ;)
In this personalized video report, we’ll explore your Life Path, Expression, and Soul Urge Numbers (and more) in ways you’ve NEVER (ever) seen before to reveal...