So what did he
tell me? He told me that i will get closer with someone who is aries. I will
be in a stuation that i wouldn’t be able to decide what to do. The situation will be about my past and my now. (He is problaly talking about my ex with the
past but don’t know the future) I will be dating with somebody who has s and t
letters in his name. So guys watch out
:D More over, he told me that there will be rumors about me and i will be
hearing some bad stuff about me.
I shouldn’t be paying attention to the people
who does it. (He is right) He told me that he was seeing a decent guy who is
tall, thin and has a little dirty beard and big eyes. I will may like him. Than
he told me to stay away from my past and
not to deal with it!!!! He was totally right. By the way, he told met hat there
is a guy in my life that wanting to talk to me and he was shy. (True tooo)
Further more, he told met hat i will be meeting an another guy and he could be
my soulmate. (right there i was listening with my ears fully open) He has a
wonderfull smile and mostly 2 years older than me. I will have fears and doubts
. He will give me a rose. Than he saw a hearth bottom of the cup and he interpreted that i will have a
relationship with the guy with wonderful smile. Also he told me that me meeting
with this guy will be a quincedence and it will happend all of a sudden. Of course i have no problem with that. Later, he told met hat there is an another
guy who wants to be close to me and that i should stay away from him because
that him being unfaithfull. At last, he told me that i should be taking care to
myself. So overall, did i believe him? I
want tooo!!! I will let you know if these things happened or not:)